We are not even sure if ginormous fits for how thankful we are for all the donations we received at Wheel & Cog this year! Being a small, brand-new, nonprofit means that without these grants and donations we would not be able to serve our community.
Every donation helps us work toward our mission, and bring smiles our community!
Below is a list of corporate donations in 2017:
Hutchinson Area Community Foundation – Creativity Cog
Hutch Health Foundation – Innovation Cog
Made in McLeod/MSSB – Discovery Cog
Shopko Glencoe – Innovation Cog
Thrivent Financial – Curiosity Cog
State of Minnesota Legacy Funding
3M – Tape and many other items donated to support Wheel & Cog, and Tape Scape Exhibit
Innovative Foam – Donated foam snowflakes
We also want to thank everyone who made a personal donation. No matter how large or small the donation, it brings a new smile to Wheel & Cog!
If you are interested in donating to Wheel & Cog please visit our DONATE page.